Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 22nd- Second day of Teaching

May 22, 2012 
Tuesday ---
Rachel and I gave the kids a puzzle of Mickey Mouse to do at the orphanage and it was the cutest thing to watch them do it once and then re-do it 2-3-4 even 5 times, the funny part is that every time the puzzle was to be cleaned up they didn’t just through the pieces in the box, they counted and made sure each piece was there and it was all together. They care so much for the thing they have.
This afternoon we brought the kids to a field near their orphanage to play soccer with a new soccer ball we bought them in town. They loved it and are amazingly good at playing it even in bare feet. Unfortunately one thing is not too different from back home… bullying. After a few minutes of playing some local older boys who saw the soccer ball and wanted to play came over to try and join in, our kids said “no, it is our ball and there are enough kids already”. Apparently the older kids did not like this response because they started teasing and pinching and pushing the kids from the orphanage around, at first I did not know if it was fun or bullying and they were speaking in “ehway” (their language here) so I couldn’t understand. After the children’s faces looked defeated I realized it as not for fun and had all my kids from the orphanage gather together to leave. It was not comforting to know how kind hearted the kids at the orphanage are and how easily other children will gang up and bully them.
The days seem long and they are, we wake at 630 eat breakfast at 730 and leave for school at 815. When we arrive at the school the children are already there and in class ready to learn, we teach until 1230 and then we go home on break until 300pm. Returning to the orphanage is the best part of the day because we get to play with the kids without teaching them lessons from 3pm to 6 pm. It is a long and tiring day especially at the beginning of our trip now because we are still somewhat out of our element.  We were able to get the internet hooked up and running at the hotel but we lost power tonight as we did two times before this and we don’t know when it will come back on. Luckily we both have lots of books we brought for pass time and are both tired enough to sleep early, our Ghana phones work though so we can still call family if need be.
All is well - Jessie  

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